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- Theological Interpretation of the New Testament : A Book-by-Book Survey (2008, Paperback) book EPUB, PDF, DJV


"The groundbreaking Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible (DTIB) introduced significant names, theories, and concepts in the field of biblical interpretation Thelogical Interpretation of the New Testament features key articles from the award-winning DTIB, providing a history of interpretation and covering major theological ideas for each book of the New Testament. The articles, authored by leading scholars, make unique contributions to the study of theological interpretation of Scripture. This handy and affordable text offers students, pastors, and lay readers a comprehensive, book-by-book theological reading of the New Testament."--BOOK JACKET., This convenient text utilizes material from the award-winning "Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible" ("DTIB") to introduce students to the Bible and theological interpretation through a comprehensive book-by-book survey of the New Testament. The articles, authored by respected scholars, make unique contributions to the study of theological interpretation of Scripture. "Theological Interpretation of the New Testament "provides a history of interpretation and covers major theological ideas for each book of the New Testament. Contributors include David E. Garland, Robert H. Gundry, I. Howard Marshall, Francesca Aran Murphy, Max Turner, and N. T. Wright. Students of the New Testament, pastors, and lay readers will appreciate this affordable volume. It will also serve as an excellent supplementary text in New Testament/Bible survey courses., When you have difficulties managing your emotions, it can feel like you're losing control of your whole life. Anger, hurt, grief, worry, and other intense feelings can be overwhelming, and how you react to these emotions can impact your ability to maintain relationships, succeed at work, or even think straight! If you find it difficult to understand, express, and process intense emotions-and most of us do-this book is for you. 'Calming the Emotional Storm' is your guide to coping with difficult emotions calmly and responsibly by using powerful skills from dialectical behavior therapy. This method combines cognitive behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices to change the way you respond to stressful situations. By practicing these skills, you can stop needless emotional suffering and develop the inner resilience that will help you weather any emotional storm.This book will teach you how to:* Establish a balanced life for an everyday sense of well-being * Let go of unwanted worries and fears * Become better at accepting yourself and others * Work through a crisis without letting emotions take over

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