Download ebook Thinkers for Architects: Merleau-Ponty for Architects by Jonathan Hale in EPUB, DJV, MOBI


The philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908 1961) has influenced the design work of architects as diverse as Steven Holl and Peter Zumthor, as well as informing renowned schools of architectural theory, notably those around Dalibor Vesely at Cambridge, Kenneth Frampton, David Leatherbarrow and Alberto Perez-Gomez in North America and Juhani Pallasmaa in Finland. Merleau-Ponty suggested that the value of people s experience of the world gained through their immediate bodily engagement with it remains greater than the value of understanding gleaned through abstract mathematical, scientific or technological systems. This book summarizes what Merleau-Ponty s philosophy has to offer specifically for architects. It locates architectural thinking in the context of his work, placing it in relation to themes such as space, movement, materiality and creativity, introduces key texts, helps decode difficult terms and provides quick reference for further reading.", The philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) has influenced the design work of architects as diverse as Steven Holl and Peter Zumthor, as well as informing renowned schools of architectural theory, notably those around Dalibor Vesely at Cambridge, Kenneth Frampton, David Leatherbarrow and Alberto Pérez-Gómez in North America and Juhani Pallasmaa in Finland. Merleau-Ponty suggested that the value of people's experience of the world gained through their immediate bodily engagement with it remains greater than the value of understanding gleaned through abstract mathematical, scientific or technological systems. This book summarizes what Merleau-Ponty's philosophy has to offer specifically for architects. It locates architectural thinking in the context of his work, placing it in relation to themes such as space, movement, materiality and creativity, introduces key texts, helps decode difficult terms and provides quick reference for further reading., The work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908 1961) has influenced the design work of architects as diverse as Steven Holl and Peter Zumthor and has also informed schools of architectural theory. Merleau-Ponty suggested that the value of people s experience of the world gained through their immediate bodily engagement with it remains greater than the value of understanding gleaned through abstract mathematical, scientific or technological systems. This book summarizes what Merleau-Ponty has to offer specifically for architects. It locates his architectural thinking in the context of his work, introduces key texts, helps decode difficult terms and provides quick reference for further reading., The work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) has influenced the design work of architects as diverse as Steven Holl and Peter Zumthor and has also informed schools of architectural theory. Merleau-Ponty suggested that the value of people's experience of the world gained through their immediate bodily engagement with it remains greater than the value of understanding gleaned through abstract mathematical, scientific or technological systems. This book summarizes what Merleau-Ponty has to offer specifically for architects. It locates his architectural thinking in the context of his work, introduces key texts, helps decode difficult terms and provides quick reference for further reading., This book summarises what Maurice Merleau-Ponty has to offer for architects, locates his architectural thinking in the context of his work, introduces key texts, helps decode difficult terms and provides quick reference for further reading.

Jonathan Hale - Thinkers for Architects: Merleau-Ponty for Architects read book FB2

In attempting to answer the deep challenge of philosophical skepticism, these thinkers explicitly articulated the rules for attaining true and certain knowledge and defined the boundaries beyond which human understanding could not venture.Which technologies and changes in the nature of life will they harness, embrace, or be inspired by?This substantially revised edition draws upon theories from Marx and Bourdieu to offer a clearer understanding of community in capitalist society.This new systematic conception and presentation of the evidence differs in three ways from Hermann Diels s groundbreaking late-nineteenth-century work as well as from later editions: it renders explicit the material s thematic organization; it includes a selection from such related bodies of evidence as archaic poetry, classical drama, and the Hippocratic corpus; and it presents an overview of the reception of these thinkers until the end of antiquity.Volume I presents an introduction, preliminary chapters on ancient doxography, the cosmological and moral background, and the Ionian thinkers from Pherecydes to Heraclitus.Revealing, in an original and provocative study, the mystical contents of the works of famous atheists Virginia Woolf and Iris Murdoch, Donna Lazenby shows how these thinkers' refusal to construe worldviews on available reductive models brought them to offer radically alternative pictures of life which maintain its mysteriousness, and promote a mystical way of knowing.This book makes a daring claim: that a return to 'pure' experience is sufficient to demonstrate, for the contemporary imagination, the irreducibly mystical contents of everyday life: and, therefore, the enduring appropriateness of theological conversations.Adam Mayer explores the international context of Nigerian Marxism and provides core chapters on key thinkers including Mokwugo Okoye, Ikenna Nzimiro, and Eskor Toyo, among many others."Reviews of the first edition:'A spirited polemic, which will give a lot of amusement and, perhaps more important, cause a lot of annoyance.It explores a range of characteristically modern building types from museums and universities, to sacred spaces and underground stations, and examines major architects and thinkers including Giles Gilbert Scott, Cass Gilbert, Ralph Adams Cram, John Ruskin and William Morris.Drawing on the work of Douglas, Foucault, Merleau-Ponty, Goffman and Bourdieu, the book offers insights into the connections that need to be made between the body, fashion and dress, arguing for an account of fashion and dress as 'situated bodily practice'.The Fashioned Body will be an invaluable resource for students and academics interested in the social role of fashion and dress in modern culture and will also be of interest to students and researchers in the areas of consumption, cultural studies, gender studies and feminist theory., The Fashioned Body provides a wide-ranging overview of fashion and dress from an historical and sociological perspective.Goblot decrypte sans complaisance les moeurs (costume, education, morale...) d'un monde qu'il connait d'autant mieux qu'il en est lui-meme issu.Written to a common template, each chapter gives an overview of core ideas associated with the concept; the critical potential of the concept; and key thinkers linked to the concept, seeking to address the following questions: How has the concept traditionally been understood?It offers a detailed and critical analysis of Roe v.