Download ebook Zondervan Staff - NIrV Precious Princess Bible in EPUB


A large-print Bible for girls 6-10 that includes twelve color pages that assures every little girl that she is a child of the King. Perfect for every little princess, the NIrV Precious Princess Bible includes the complete New International Reader's Version (NIrV)--the NIV for kids, written at a third-grade reading level! Twelve adorable and colorful tip-in pages will delight girls with Bible verses that assure her that she is a child of the King. This pink hardcover Bible is sure to be a favorite with every little princess. Features include: Large-print font for easy reading Twelve colorful pages of illustrations of princesses along with Bible verses that describe characteristics of a princess and a list of the princesses and queens mentioned in the Bible Presentation page for gift giving and personalization Complete New International Reader's Version (NIrV) text--written at a third-grade reading level and specifically designed to help early readers discover the Bible for themselves, it's the perfect stepping stone to the NIV., Perfect for every little princess, the NIrV Precious Princess Bible includes the complete New International Reader s Version (NIrV) the NIV for kids Twelve adorable and colorful tip-in pages will delight girls with Bible verses that assure her that she is a child of the King. This pink Bible is sure to be a favorite with every little princess. Features include: * Large-print font for easy reading * Presentation page for gift giving and personalization * Complete text of the New International Reader s Version (NIrV) of the Bible an easy-to-read translation that kids understand and parents trust * Twelve colorful pages of illustrations of princesses along with Bible verses that describe characteristics of a princess and list the princesses and queens mentioned in the Bible"

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